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Agile Scrum & Project Delivery

Scrum is the most popular way of introducing Agility due to its simplicity and flexibility. It's amazing what gets Done!

App Development & Modernization

Still clinging to your trusty old apps that are gracefully aging towards obsolescence? That's OK, sorta, but why not improve?!

Technology Roadmaps

It's easy to get lost without a clear direction. Roadmaps are not lists; they form a full IT vision and plan for achieving results!


Technology moves fast, what if you don't? Loss of competitiveness, lower IT flexibility and limited responsiveness to the organization.

Data Management & Delivery

Is your data spread all over kingdom come? Yep, you might suffer from "Functional Silo Syndrome" or FSS. There's a cure for that!

Performance Management

If you’re fighting a fire, and it’s dark, you don’t know what’s going on. Application Performance Management tools can help!

The Challenge

"75% of all US IT projects are considered to be failures by those responsible for initiating them"

- Gartner

Common Causes

Fuzzy Goals, Weak Ownership

No Product Owner (actively engaged in the project) setting a clear direction and in a position to accept or reject what the team is doing.

Bloated PM Process

No process framework providing a minimal level of structure upon which the team can build.

Analysis Paralysis

Spending too much time analyzing requirements and designing solutions before producing something.

Stuck In A Rut

An emphasis on discussing issues versus demonstrating progress. Low morale.

Status Quo

Focused on planning and not on execution. Lack of frequent inspection and adaption. No Accountability.


Poor collaboration, communication and teamwork.



There's a Fix!

- So let's fix it! -

Scrum can help!

It’s a simple framework

Who wants a bloated (big M) Methodology to govern and control everything?! The Scrum dynamic is enablement, rather than control.

Power to the people

Day-to-day decisions and continuous communication ensure that everyone is clear on daily objectives and progress, with minimal overhead.

Natural selection, ownership and autonomy

Priorities are applied by the Product Owner. Tasks that will create the most value are put into the next sprint. Team members share commitment and passion towards project execution.


Scrum emphasizes the value of Done, with a capital D! During “The Demo” at the end of each sprint, no functionality that is “almost done” is given any attention.

Continuous improvement

Retrospective meetings provide an opportunity to identify and solve the most critical issues. Short sprints uncover issues before they become monsters.

Well, because it's Agile!

Agile Scrum revolves around the Team Attitude and Fun Factor. Check out the Agile Roadmap below!


Click to read more!


Agile Scrum

Start Delivering!


Compliments Agile!


Quality Matters!



An Amazing Team

We don’t stop at just defining what needs doing. Together we can get it Done.